Some projects I have made are listed below. You can also see all my GitHub repositories here.
Paper implementations
Some algorithms I implemented while pursuing my master's degree are listed below.

Classical control algorithms for bipedal walking (work in progress)
My master's degree subject is deep reinforcement learning applied to a bipedal robot. Since RL algorithms need a lot of data to work, and simulation usually transfers poorly to a real robot, I thought it would be useful to learn some classical algorithms. I also think Control Theory is closely tied to RL.
The description for this project is mostly on this github page.

Sift and RANSAC
It was originally an assignment from a Computer Vision course, and it was implemented by me and Nathana Facion. The assignment asked us to use Sift, RANSAC and affine transformations to stabilize a video.
We first tested if the algorithm could "glue" back an image that was cut in half, with an intersection in both. We use Sift to extract relevant keypoints, a simple KNN algorithm for matching similar keypoints, and then RANSAC to find the best affine transformation between the images, given the matches would have outliers.
The figure shows two images that were originally part of the same one, and how the combination of algorithms found the correct matches for the transformation. The code is available here, and the report file has more information about the algorithms, implementations and source papers.
I create some games at game jams. Mostly with friends and just for fun.

Leave me Alone
Leave me Alone is a game made by me and Eduardo Pinheiro in 3 days for the 42nd Ludum Dare game jam. It is a turn-based strategy game meant to be played by two people in the same computer. We have also added a really simple AI in case you want to play alone (it's not as fun). All the 3D models, programming and music were done by us.
The game can be played here.

Bloodew Valley
A game made in 3 days using Unity 3D engine for Ludum Dare 41. The theme for this game jam was "Combine 2 Incompatible Genres". I chose to create a game which mix farming and survival horror genres. The game assets, except for the animations, were also (poorly) created by me.
The game code and assets are available in this git repository. The game can be played here.

A game me and Guilherme Marques made in 3 days for Ludum Dare 36. The theme for that game jam was Ancient Technology, and the game was made using javascript with the Phaser engine. We used an asset pack made by Sparklin Labs for the graphics.
The code is available in this git repository. The game can be played here.

Colorful People Quest: Curse of the Red Mage
A game made for the Game in Ten Days challenge at Kongregate. It is a simple game to be played by two people in the same screen and keyboard. The code and art were made by me and Guilherme Marques.
The game code and assets are available at this repository. The game can be played here.